TANDEMKROSS and International Orders
Posted by Emma Roy on 21st Aug 2024
TANDEMKROSS is proud to partner with EasyExport to offer international shipping to a number of countries worldwide.
In order to get started, please register with EasyExport here: https://www.easyexport.net/purchasers/. This free account is required to start shopping internationally with TANDEMKROSS. After you submit your registration to EasyExport, they will notify you to confirm your account’s approval. After receiving confirmation about account approval, you are ready to shop on our website!
After you've received confirmation from Easy Export that you've been approved, you can proceed with the following steps:
1. Log into your EasyExport account at www.easyexport.net and go to My Profile
2. Make sure that all the billing and shipping information is correct ANDthat the two addresses match each other.
3. Go to www.tandemkross.com and start shopping!
4. Place any items you want into your cart by clicking “ADD TO CART”
5. After you add an item to your cart, click your “cart” button to initiate checkout and enter your information. Once you’ve selected a country to ship to, the button to log into EasyExport will appear.
6. From here, log into EasyExport.
5. After logging into EasyExport, you will be returned to your shopping cart.
6. Select the check box that you agree with the Privacy Policy.
7. The page will now show which items are cleared for you to purchase and which items require further documentation.
8. Proceed to checkout. (You don't need to calculate your shipping costs on that screen, you can do that later.)
9. On the next screen, EasyExport will auto-populate all of your billing and shipping information. You CANNOT make any changes to your addresses at this time; the webpage will not allow you to.
10. Check the box to agree to the End User Statement.
11. From this page, you can select a shipping method and pay for your order.
Once we’ve shipped your order, TANDEMKROSS has no control over how long it takes to clear your country’s customs or how long it takes to deliver. This can vary from country to country.
Have any other questions? Be sure to check out our YouTube video, and the International Orders Terms and Conditions page on our website!