Eagle's Talon Extractor Installation Instructions for the Browning Buck Mark
At a glance:
- Machined from hardened tool steel to increase longevity
- Sharp hook design grabs casings securely and surely
- Reduces failures-to-eject and stove-pipe malfunctions
The TANDEMKROSS Eagle's Talon Extractor for Browning® Buck Mark is a reliability upgrade that replaces the factory-provided Buck Mark extractor. The factory extractor often can’t maintain a secure enough hold on the spent casing as the pistol is cycling, causing stove-pipes and failures-to-eject malfunctions. TANDEMKROSS Eagle's Talon Extractor is CNC-machined with a positive hook that will grab and secure each round until it needs to be ejected.
While the factory extractor can chip, reducing its ability to consistently extract spent casings, the Eagle’s Talon extractor is machined from hardened tool steel for long-term strength and durability.
Eliminate your frustrations at the range and during speed shooting competitions with the Eagle's Talon Extractor for Browning® Buck Mark!
Supported Models:
- Browning® Buck Mark
- Browning® Buck Mark Rifle

75 Reviews
Talon Extractor
Easy installation. Eliminated my FTE issues.
Beefy ??
Sharp Extractor
I saw this part on Tandemkross website while picking up something else, I passed by it several times thinking not necessary, purchased several items, while installing the gear box, I started looking at the edge of my extractor and realized it's rounded! went back and watched the video to see what it said about the benefits of the eagle's talon, also identified the ease of install and again for the price, to upgrade a part at a reasonable price to aid in better reliability, performance, why not!! This part is a know brainer, my gun has always performed, but holding the parts side by side, you can see the difference, for the price, this is a part everyone should install. I looked at all four of my Buckmark pistols, three had rounded edges, so guess what, replaced them. Happy Shooting
Just installed the Eagle Takin in a buckmark and it is awesomely better that the factory made extractor.
failure to extract or stove piping
My never fired "Browning Medalist" (1972) was not running well. I decided to use and enjoy this "Safe Queen" , before I kick the bucket. Every 2-3 shots, this beauty ended up jammed or in a stove pipe position. These obvious faults, can be associated with poor extraction. I purchased this extractor, I had to gently stone the sides of this part down to better fit the extractor slot. All issues were immediately and completely corrected after subsequent test firing. You also must cut (ROUND OFF)the "BOTTOM" corner by stoning, the bottom (point)of the new extractor, or it will jam while picking up the next round from the magazine. You may write me if you have questions. dave_rose69@yahoo.com
Extractor revue
Works excellent great workmanship
Eagles Talon for Buckmark
I reciently purchased a Browning buckmark micro.Over the course of a few weeks of experimenting with different brands of ammo I found out that the only brands of ammo that worked 100% of the time were CCI and ELEY everything else was hit and miss. Upon close examination of the extractor I found it to be beat up.Groves in the hook and the edge was rounded.After only 550 rounds.So I tried the Eagles Talon.I measured the old and the new one. The Eagles Talon measured .014 wider,from the outside to the tip of the claw.I installed the new one and this made FTF issues worse.Almost all ammo that I tried would not work. Very close inspection revealed that the increased width and sharpness of the hook was biting into the brass. Using a hard arkansas stone I very lightly polished the hook and the tip of the hook taking approx. .002 off. Just enough to break the sharpness and not dig into the brass. Complete change,Without firing I was able to cycle any brand of ammo through the gun with no FTF issues.This is something that I could not do before the change out even after the firearm was broken in. Finally had a chance to fire the gun. I shot a 10rd mag of each brand RWS,Aguila,Winchester and Gemteck firing as fast as I could pull the trigger.That was never possible before. I believe that this is a good product but not automatically drop in for all firearms. 4 or 4 1/2 stars because of the work that I put into it. Only time will tell how long the extractor will last. I am curious about the brinell hardness and metal grade used to make this part.
Eagle's talon Extracton
Purchased a New Browning Buck Mark Vision Plus LTD 2020 addition. About every 10 round the fired round would not be Extracted. Replaced the Extractor with the Tandemkross Eagle's Talon Extractor. Had no further problems with Extraction. Great Product ,also use one in my Ruger Mark lll When it starting having Problems With Extraction after Several Thousand Rounds. The New tandemkross Eagle,s Talon Extractor Solved the Problem
Not my favorite part
I bought 5 separate upgrades for my Buckmark and I can say all were a 100 out of 100 except for this part. For some reason the .22 rounds won’t fully feed into the chamber due to this extractor. There is a flat face on the TK version that makes it very difficult for rounds to seat with the claw moving out of the way and hooking the rim. I oiled it until I felt stupid and manually fed about 40 rounds to see if it would break in. It did not so I took it out and put the stock one back on. Zero feeding issues and zero extraction issues. I love you TK. But this one didn’t work for me.