TANDEMKROSS SW22 Victory Magazine Disconnect Replacement Installation Instructions
At a glance:
- Allows for safe removal of magazine safety
- Maintains strong magazine ejection
- Machined from durable stainless steel
The popular Smith & Wesson® SW22 VICTORY® pistol can easily be improved by removing the magazine safety feature, allowing the firearm to fire even without a magazine. But while the firearm can function by simply removing the factory magazine disconnect bar, doing so can reduce the power of magazine ejection - a problem for competition shooters who need to change magazines quickly.
The new TANDEMKROSS Magazine Disconnect Replacement for SW22 VICTORY® is a simple, drop-in replacement part for the factory magazine disconnect bar. The durable, stainless steel part simply drops into the gun’s frame in place of the magazine safety and allows for the safe removal of the magazine safety while maintaining a strong magazine ejection.
Simplify your firearm and ensure easy magazine changes with the newest of SW22 VICTORY® accessories from TANDEMKROSS!
33 Reviews
Great product, big improvement
Works perfectly, easy to install, and of high quality. Typical of TK products.Cor
Perfect product to remove an unnecessary Magazine disconnect while maintaining magazine ejection
Very simple and useful upgrade!
Nice modification for the experienced shooter. Really sends the spent magazine out quickly. Worth the price and under 2 minutes installation time.
Fit right in. Took all of 30 seconds.
Great products
I can not say enough good things about Tandemkross !!!!!! The trigger kit i bought for my S&W victory was great. the mag disconnect was great.The lady on the phone was very polite and friendly.All businesses should be as good. OH if you are wondering if there trigger does reduce trigger pull... mine measured 4.4 lbs before and now it is 2.3-2.6 A little lighter than i like but i will take it. After i break in my mark IV it will have there trigger to.
Great product!
Easy to install, works as advertized!
A simple, necessary and outstanding solution to the mag disconnect. Takes a second to install with almost no way to do it wrong. Works like a dream.
Was a very good part to allow strong spring action on mag release and get away from mag disconnect