TANDEMKROSS Ruger MKIV and MKIV 22/45 Blast Shield Installation Instructions
- Allows for safe removal of the magazine disconnect
- Facilitates proper magazine alignment
- Shields sear and hammer from debris, boosting performance
- Ruger® MKIV™ Standard
- Ruger® MKIV™ Hunter
- Ruger® MKIV™ Target
- Ruger® MKIV™ Competition
- Ruger® MKIV™ 22/45™
- Ruger® MKIV™ 22/45™ LITE
- Ruger® MKIV™ Tactical
- Ruger® MKIV™22/45™ Tactical

107 Reviews
Magazine disconnect
Easy to install. Allows to fire thst round that won't eject after the magazine has been removed
Nice if needed
This is a nice looking and I’m sure beneficial part. I bought along with the full accurizing kit and then find out it’s not needed. So if you are not doing to kit then this would be a good upgrade. But if you are doing the accurizing kit don’t get this as it isn’t needed
The second best thing to happen to the Mark line. The first being the push button take down on the Mark IV.This part is a must. I am so glad I found it. So I thank you for this. I have tolled many people and gun store owners about it.
blast shield disconnect replacement
Good product. Would recommended anybody with a MK 4 Ruger that wants to change magazine disconnect.
Works great, deleted the mag disconnect and make the pistol what it should be from the factory.
Great product, fits well, looks good and functions perfect
You'll Love It!
At first I was getting at least one (more like 2-3) failure to feed per mag, but now that has dropped to 1 every 10 mags or so, plus it removed extra parts/springs. Definitely worth the $20!
I haven't had a chance to go to the range yet to actively try this installation out, but it installed easily enough and dry firing the Ruger Mark IV suggests that it will work fine. This is an item that should not require a gunsmith to install. The buyer should be able to install it without much difficulty.
Easy to install and works like it should have worked from the factory. I think I will stop buying any hand gun that the mag has to be in in order to fire. its just stupid